In this Sioux Falls public school more than 20 percent of its students are of a racial minority; 1 in 5 students. The school is pleased with this number in comparison to its 5.6% of racial minority in 1991. It is believed by the school and the community that this minority is necessary to provide the students with well rounded learning and keep the class room balanced. "It's good for all people to be aware of other cultures and experience different ways of looking at life" said a local woman. But is she in turn saying that the only way to learn about other cultures is by being in a class with Black, Asian, Indian, and Mexican students? I'm all for natural diversity but it seems as though this school, as well as others, are boosting there diversity for the sake of how it looks and sounds. And just because it looks and sounds well does not mean it is beneficial. If these new students cannot speak English or come to the class with no prior education does that not take away from how the local students learn (not white students, local students)?
Not only is the school trying to boost their student minority but it is also trying to boost its teacher minority. "The district continues its struggle to find teachers of minority races. It has 16 such teachers now, up from 11 last year. But that still leaves the teaching ranks at 1 percent diverse against a district goal of 10 percent by 2010." If the district already has a goal, they will strive to meet these numbers. That seems like affirmative action. Teachers should be hired based on their knowledge and qualification for the job not their skin color. Just because the teacher with the "x" nationality is different from the more common teacher with the "y" nationality he or she should not get the job unless he or she is better qualified.
Again, I am all for "natural" diversity. Natural in the sense that a family moved to the town and their children now are going to that school. I am not for this recruitment of minorities to make a school look better or seem better. I also do not agree with hiring a teacher just because he or she would make the staff look more diverse. If a predominantly Indian fire department hired a Mexican just because they wanted to have a Mexican on the team, but that Mexican knew nothing of firefighting and in turn some one died would it be fair? That is somewhat of an exaggeration, no one will die (hopefully) from a bad teacher, but this is the point I am stressing. Be diverse, be cultured, be well rounded, but not at others expense.
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