Saturday, November 17, 2007

Vanessa Assis' Literacy Dig

Object #1 - Instant Messager Boxes

Usually when I leave my room, I leave my computer on. When I get back I come back to my friends leaving me messages on Instant Messanger. It's usually the first thing I do when I get to my dorm, check my IM messages. It has become a big habit of mine, and one of the main forms of communciation with my friends. As informal as it may seem, it seems like I do most of my planning with friends through instant messanger. I've even peer edited papers with friends. So whenever I'm at the computer, instant messanger always keeps me reading and writing.

Object #2 - New York Yankee's Calendar

I have a Yankee calendar posted right above from my computer. I write in days that I'm on duty for my RA position and friends birthday's. It also has a list of holidays, scheduled games, and Yankee player's birthdays. Each month a player is featured with his basic information (position, age, bats, throws, height, weight, hometown, etc.)

Object #3 - RA Duty Log

In every resident hall there are RA's who have access to a duty log. In the duty log, the RA's write notes to each other to keep them updated on what's going on in the building. It dates back from the first day of the semester to present. Each night someone writes a note and the next day the RA on duty looks over them all.

Object #4 - Cell phone (text messages)

I always have my phone on me, and I'm a huge texter. Friends and family always send me messages over texts, whether it's just to say hello or what not. I receive text messages daily by friends, and usually respond to them. It keeps me in touch with friends and constantly reading and writing.

Object # 5 - Mail & E-mail

I check my mail daily, both my school mailbox and e-mail account. Whether its bills or letters, there's always something waiting for me to read in my mailbox. As for my e-mail account, it's one of the main forms of communication for faculty and staff, so it's usually a guarantee that there's an e-mail waiting to be read/responded to in my inbox.