Thursday, February 21, 2008

English Language Classes for Parents

The article i read was entitled "Learning the language their children speak" by Paul Nyhan. This article was centered around the idea of diversity in schools, mostly in language. It is a difficult task to teach children with different first languages but even more difficult to communicate with parents who have no English backgrounds. The Toyota Family Literacy Program was designed to develop a family's English language skills, not just the children. They awarded different elementary schools, including those in the Highline School District, with up to $600,00 to spend on teaching parents and students about the English language. I think that this program is a great offer. Obviously they award this funding to schools in need of a change. The parents come into the classroom and spend a great deal of time learning English for themselves. Then the parents join the children in class and get further hand on learning. They are in no way forces into participating. I think that it is program that needs a little tweeking though. The parents are investing up to six hours a week on top of their work, for some that is impossible. I think that giving lighter classes (shorter) more often or at night could help this.

This program brings about not only the importance of being able to communicate efficiantly but also of parent involvment. One of the most important factors in becoming a teacher is to create a community in the classroom and become partners with the parents. By having parents come in, they meet teachers and get involved in what students are doing. I think it is a great way for them to experience the classroom that their children are in for the majority of their weeks. Also, being partners with parents will further the learning at home. Being able to communicate how a student is doing or what they should be doing differently is important. If the parent cannot speak the same language, this creates a barrier. Also, the article mention that some young children are forced to be translators for their parents who cannot speak English. This puts alot of weight and pressure on children and I think classes such as these can help ease that tension. I do think it is helpful to have thse classes provided but I don't think that it should be required for any parents to attend.

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