Wednesday, October 29, 2008

College Board Will Offer a New Test Next Fall

That's right, another test for kids to take, as if we need another one. Starting in the fall of 2009 eighth graders will be taking a test to prepare them for high school and college. The test is not for college emissions - yet - and is just to prepare students for what they have to do in the very near future. The college board vice president said that it's not at all an early SAT tool, it is just a tool to evaluate.

Personally i think there are enough tests and adding another one will just add to stress and may even give rise to more drop outs per year. I remember eighth grade, in Syracuse you go into a new school and it's already stress full. Adding another test will just add to this stress.


Liz Conlon said...

I agree with Dylan that the new College Board exam which "is not a pre pre pre SAT" would only create more stress for younger students. As an eighth grader in NYS, you already have many state tests in the four subjects of math,science, english and social studies, so if this test has no value except "to provide information about students’ strengths and weaknesses”, can that not be determined from the other NYS exams? The stress that is caused by these NYS exams should be enough to not implement this kind of testing in other states as well.

I found it interesting that the names offered of those who support the Readistep test were, Susan Rusk, the coordinator of counseling for the Washoe County School District in Reno, Nev., and James R. Choike, a professor of mathematics at Oklahoma State University. These people are not simply educators, they both played a key role in the rising of this test. It is stated, "Mrs. Rusk is on the College Board’s board of trustees, and Dr. Choike helped develop ReadiStep."

I remember how stressed and nervous I was about taking the NYS exams in 8th grade, the pressure to do well was tremendous. Not all states have these exam and I feel it should be kept this way and by giving 8th graders the Readistep test, it will only create more stress.

Nicole said...

As if emerging into middle school isn't hard enough! Now we are going to add another gruesome test to students already stressful workload. If I remember correctly middle school workloads are already hard enough. Adding another SAT sort of test will only stress students out more than they already are. I totally agree with Dylan on this article and feel that with the loads of homework middle school students receive this new test is very unneccessary.

Also what is the point in taking a college based test in middle school? My mind definately was not on college in the 8th grade. I was more focussed on extra curricular activities and my friends.