#1 Dry erase board on the door:
Little comments left, like "happy early birthday" and "midnight stalker says hi" make a smile come to my face, knowing that someone is thinking about me and my roommate, at any hour of the day.
#2 Calender:
Messages and reminders of important dates for my roommate or me. If one of us has a paper due the next day, the other will annoy and keep the other going until it's done. Also holds birthdays and reminders to call home before people worry.
#3 Poster, Stephenie Meyers book covers:
Constant reminder that the next and final book in her series is coming up soon. Also a reminder of my addiction to fantasy books and vampires, a major part of my life.
#4 Fortune cookie messages:
tapped to a piece of paper tapped to the wall. Each kept for a significant message to my life at the time of getting it. It also reminds me of the many days hanging out with friends at the mall and doing stupid stuff, like collecting messages made in the U S of A and never originally from China or any other Asian country.
#5 Statue of a woman in a cloak sitting on a moon with Celtic symbols with the words "I am the soul of nature who gives life to the universe" along the bottom. Next to her sits a cat and three moons showing three phases (waxing, full, and waning) on her forehead.
A reminder that I am never alone, even if others say my religion and my beliefs are wrong and that I will be cast to hell. Someone to look up to when everything has gone wrong and words to think about the next time I look out the window and see a budding tree next to a nursery where children also grow.
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