Sunday, April 27, 2008

Literacy Dig

Being a mother ensures I will read something everyday that, in one way or another, pertains to toddlers. I find myself needing many questions answered that require knowledge I must obtain from labels, manuals, and books.

1. Do I really want him to eat this?
I have never scrutinized the labels of food so much in my life. Once I became a mother, all those scientific words n foods that I cannot pronounce suddenly became unacceptable. I read everything, in order to know what is being ingested by my son. I, however, will still eat all that crap, when he's not around to demand I share with him. Go figure.
2. What am I doing wrong? What can I do better?
From the time I was pregnant, the What to do When... books have been my best friends. They have one for every stage from pregnancy to preschool and I reference them at least once a week. Usually when I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown because I'm convinced my child is behaving in some unusual way, and it must somehow be my fault. These books reassure me that "no, you're doing a fine job as a mother. Your kid is just a toddler and he'll outgrow his behavior." This is usually when I cry and say "when?" But then he does something absolutely adorable, asks for a big hug, and it's all worth it again.
3. How on Earth do I put this together? Some assembly required? Yeah, right!
For being toys for toddlers, they sure are complicated to put together. I have read more instruction manuals in the last three years, than I had in the 28 years before the birth of my
son. Nothing seems to come assembled anymore. Guess that's the price we pay for all these
high-tech toys.
4. How much do I give him?
When adults take medication, they take the same amount each time. When my son takes
medication, it is almost never the same dose as the last time. By the time he needs a
medication for an illness he has had before, the dosage has changed because he's gotten bigger.
5. What book can I read to get him to sleep?
I must admit, I have an addiction to children's books, so this part of my day is not a chore. It's
an absolute joy to cuddle up in bed, with my little man, and read The Monster at the End of
This Book. It's our favorite. We are both very fond of Grover and his silly antics.

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