Object #1: Agenda
- I know what is due each week in all of classes and what meeting I have and at what time. I have it memorized, but if I do not look at it more then three times a day. I get worried like something has changed, but it does not and I know it has not, but the satisfaction I get from looking to check it anyway is indescribable but so worth it.
On my Wall...
Object #2: Work Schedule
- I only work Wednesdays every week. I get paid every other Thursday. The schedule is posted on my wall as a reminder. Why do I need to be reminded that I work every Wednesday because the schedule does not change.
In the Bathroom Stalls...
Object #3: Bank Hall Beast Periodical
- Banks Hall Beast Periodical is the dorms newsletter posted in the bathroom stalls to let residents know what events are going on through campus, Resident Assistant programs, and Hall Council Program strictly for Banks Hall residents. It also provides a section for residents, roommates, and apartments of the week to get to know your neighbors. The weather for the week is also posted. This periodical keeps me informed of whats going on and allows be to become more familiar with people that live around me.
Anywhere I Go...
Object #4: Cell Phone
- I am constantly text messaging and although I am an English Education major I still speak in text talk because its easier, faster and I can say more in one message, as oppose to multiple by writing each word out.
On my phone, computer and anything with Internet Access...
Object #5: America Online's Instant Messenger (AIM)
- Same as text messaging, text speak language that I use was first learned on (AIM) hot to speak and use text language. If I am not text I am definitely on (AIM) talking to people constantly if we are not text and this is because its free...how awesome, what more could you want, especially if you can not talk to the person on the phone.
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