Object 1 – Fortune Cookie Slip reading, “The Job is well done.” (Taped to wall)
Significance: In the lives of most people this slip has little or no significance, but to me it is a reminder of a good feeling when you do a good job, both in life and in school. Fortune cookies are always a spot of humor for me, so seeing it everyday makes me a little happier.
Object 2 – Shaving cream can reading, “Leave skin wet. Put gel on fingertips. Gently rub over skin to lather and shave.
Significance: I’m not very good at shaving, and many times I forget to leave skin wet. I usually use an electric razor so that there is virtually no chance for me to cut myself. Maybe if I paid attention I could use a “Big Boy” razor.
Object 3 – Bottle of Ibuprofen reading, “Temporary relieves minor aches and pains due to:”
Significance: If I am ailing from some sort of pain, I like to look at this list to see if perhaps I could be relieved of the pain. Often times, a thinking headache isn’t listed on the bottle, but the medicine seems to work anyway.
Object 4 – Post it note reading, “For hot water lift top, add water, press button, pour using grey lever.” (On wall)
Significance: I have a little water heater, which I use to make oatmeal, soup, and hot beverages. The note is a reminder more for my roommate, who seems to forget how to use the simple device. It really is simple.
Object 5 – Door hanger thing (similar to do not disturb) that has our television line-up on it. It reads, “These and other services brought to you by: College Auxiliary Services.”
Significance: Often it’s hard to remember all of the channel numbers on tv here. I consult this to figure out what channel to turn to watch the NBA playoffs or that new show on “The Food Network.” The little guide is convenient to find what I’m looking for.
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