Object #1 (Found in Bedroom)
A photo album filled with all of the concert tickets that I have been able to save from over the years. This album’s contents symbolize my love of music and the enjoyment I get from seeing it performed live. Countless memories of bands and friends flood my imagination when I look through and read from it.
Object #2 (Found in the Kitchen, on the Refrigerator)
On the freezer door of my refrigerator hangs a Healthy Choice chart explaining what makes up the average amount of food from each food group that a person should have on an average day. Over the years, I have been growing more and more obsessive about my health and this chart helps to inform me of how I can do that easier.
Object #3 (Found in Bedroom, on the Desk)
I found my ipod plugged into my computer and ready to go. Without my literacy skills, I would never be able to read from the screen and would likewise be unable to ever listen to what I want. My ipod has a lot of music that I don’t even own myself anymore, so it really means a lot to me.
Object #4 (Found in Bedroom, on the Desk)
Here is where I do most of my writing because it is the location of my computer. Without my computer and the programs on it, I would never be able to accomplish anything at my own pace and thus, my grades would suffer tremendously. Without my literacy skills, I would be at a loss as to how to command such a useful piece of technology.
Object #5 (Found in the Car)
Here is where I find one of the most useful tools I use. My cell phone is how I keep in contact with those that I love and also serves as my clock so that I am never late. Without the skills I have acquired, I would never know how to call who I would like to, nor would I ever be able to send text messages at any opportune chances.
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