Friday, May 9, 2008

Literacy Dig

Object 1-Mail (kitchen table)
I read mail every day. While I hope for a greeting card or letter, bills are generally the primary literature found here. I am very scheduled, and I like to send out bill payments immediately. I don't want to come home from class some day and find a lack of electricity.

Object 2-News and Crossword puzzle (newspaper)
I pick up a copy of the newspaper in the Learning Center every week day. A day would not be a day without a crossword puzzle. I also like to follow the news about the race for the White House, so I read the news to see how my gal is doing in the polls. I guess this says that I am a routine person.

Object 3-V8 Splash juice (fridge)
I was disappointed today to find high fructose corn syrup is an ingredient in this juice. I was duped . . . I assumed it was healthy! I guess that I will be switching to the ever-expensive V8 Fusion juice. What a tasty loss. I guess this says that I am becoming more conscious of what I eat.

Object 4-Weather (television)
I like to know the weather for the week. I hate when it rains. Blah blah, necessary, blah blah draught . . . whatever . . . my hair curls at the thought of moisture, and that is not a good thing. I guess that is my superficial side.

Object 5-Laundry tags (clothing)
Dry clean only labels are there for a reason! Do not learn this the hard way. Clothes are too expensive to gamble. Will it survive the washing machine? Can I get away with washing it? No. No you can't. Put that thought out of your mind immediately. I think this shows that I am frugle, and I try to cut corners.

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