Friday, November 16, 2007

Timpy's Literacy Dig

Object #1: Songbook

Significance: Everyday I play guitar. I use my songbook that contains lyrics to all the songs I've written, and covers that I perform. I do this because I'm too lazy to memorize all my songs, and also to prompt me for each line.

Object #2: Laptop

Significance: The only main form of media that takes up my life is the internet. I do not watch tv, and most of my entertainment comes out of my laptop. Also all of the work I do is through word processing on my laptop. It holds every paper, poem, and story since senior year of high school. I'm very proud of my My Documents folder. JEAHH!!

Object #3: Flag

Significance: I have this huge outrageously bad-ass flag on the wall beside my bed. It's this flag that says "Kill 'Em All....Let God Sort 'EM Out" with a skull and knife in the middle. I found it in an Army Navy store in Rhode Island, and this is always the first thing I read when I wake up in the morning.

Object #4: Iron Maiden shirts

Significance: I have an unnecessary amount of shirts in a line in my closet with the title "Iron Maiden" on the front. Since I've started going to their shows, I've sort of been collecting the shirts. Some would say it's part of my history, because I am usually wearing two a week. "Iron Maiden" shirts define me.

Object #5: My Schedule

Significance: Since freshman year I began posting my schedule on my wall over my desk. This helps me organize my day. I look up from my laptop and think, "Damn! I'm already late for my ENG 297 class at 2." Also my roommates that may be looking for me can see where I am.

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